
For each QM that affects a provider’s 5 star rating (& that CMS has provided data for) the QM Detail report shows the possible outcomes of getting better or worse in that QM.

Table description

Column Description
Quality Metric (QM) The short name for the quality metric for the row.
Where you are now
  • The number of residents affected by the QM at current occupancy levels.
  • The percent of residents affected by the QM.
  • The current points earned for your overall Quality score in the QM.
Where you could be
Worse If the provider (or group) can do worse, points-wise, in this QM we show you:
  • The number of residents that would be affected at the upper limit of the next lowest cut point for the QM.
  • The % of residents affected by the QM at the lower cut point.
  • The points the provider (or group, on average) would earn at the lower cut point.
  • If you hover or tap the help we will show you how many more residents need to be affected to move down.
Better If the provider (or group) can do better, points-wise, in this QM we show you:
  • The number of residents that would be affected at the lower limit of the next higher cut point for the QM.
  • The % of residents affected by the QM at the higher cut point.
  • The points the provider (or group, on average) would earn at the higher cut point.
  • If you hover or tap the help we will show you how many more residents need to be affected to move up.
Goal If the provider (or group) can do better we show the number of incidents the provider (or group) need to fix to score more quality points in this QM>

Use with providers

This is not a comparison report so just pick the provider from the Analyze section or from a search result and then open this report.

Use with groups

You can use this report with groups.

It calculates the average rate of incidence across all providers in the group then multiplies that by the most recent CMS reported census numbers to get the count of residents affected by the QM, estimate the current points, and set the goals.